
 head due north

Why ‘I Do.’ is a look into the wonderful people behind – and sometimes even in front of – the veil who make weddings happen flawlessly, beautifully, punctually and in good spirits.  These are the hard working and passionate individuals who make dreams come true and this is an opportunity to shine the light upon […]

Why ‘I Do.’ is a look into the wonderful people behind – and sometimes even in front of – the veil who make weddings happen flawlessly, beautifully, punctually and in good spirits.  These are the hard working and passionate individuals who make dreams come true and this is an opportunity to shine the light upon […]

While you won’t necessarily see me posting a lot of selfies, I LOVE sharing what makes me tick creatively and beyond.  So, whether you are new to joining me here or you have been around for a few months, WELCOME! I sometimes think of my own personal style aesthetic as ‘Future Past,’ which I know […]

How do I approach the color treatment of my images?  I tend to think that life is already really beautiful just the way it is, so I suppose I like to keep the images truthful as a starting point.  That’s not to say that I don’t direct the feeling in them through processing adjustments and […]

I really love that word, most especially in how it relates to the emotion captured by a still photograph in our body language and nonverbal communication. Definition wise, nuance \NOO-ahnss\ is a noun meaning: 1 : a subtle distinction or variation. 2 : a subtle quality : nicety. 3 : sensibility to, awareness of, or […]

What do I mean by ‘a little different?’ My creative work has always been about connecting and for me personally, connecting with the people I work with.  From Flirt’s perspective, what I shoot for you should have some of YOU infused into it.  We need to get to know one another so that I can […]

If you like what you see let’s get this party started!

Ready to book?