Ready For Something A Little Different?

 head due north

What do I mean by ‘a little different?’ My creative work has always been about connecting and for me personally, connecting with the people I work with.  From Flirt’s perspective, what I shoot for you should have some of YOU infused into it.  We need to get to know one another so that I can know you and thus make suggestions on how we can make some great images together and capture this moment in your life.  There is so much beautiful work out there around weddings, elopements and engagements – truly there is!  The bar is very high on the quality and beauty side and I am truly inspired by that, but I think it can also perhaps be more PERSONAL to you.  When someone sees your images they should see YOU in them, not just you in a beautiful generic location.  Do you love art and design, for example (I am raising my hand), then let’s find ways to weave that into your engagement shoot.  Are you an avid runner?  Then I want to shoot you in your bridal gown with some new white trainers (as well as your fancy shoes if you like). Do you love the ocean?  Then that is the spot.  Do you do creative work for fun or even a living?  I want to see that in our shoot plan.  Make sense?  I suppose I’m saying that I just want to know and capture YOIU rather than run you through any predetermined set of engagement or wedding presets that don’t truly reflect you or this moment in your life and how you have arrived here.

If you jive with this approach then let’s chat!


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